ADO.NET Toolkit

This library is created to boost productivity and performance by addressing issues that we face in real-life projects, while using ADO.NET. Use this library to

Fluent Validation for .NET

A small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules for your business objects.

NBusiness (16,4 MB)
Entity Oriented Programming Library: A .net Entity Language Provider, E# compiler and light weight business object framework. NBusiness features an Entity Definition Language known as E# (E Sharp). E is for Entity and # is a reference to C#, from which its syntax is based.

NHibernate Business Layer

A business layer on top of NHibernate that helps the user in dealing with most routine tasks in an ORM mapper, like saving, updating, deleting, retrieving collections of objects, transactions, etc.

NTimeline (193 kB)
We moved! The project is now on github. Timeline management. Create a timeline with several sources of time events or duration and get a sliced timeline back.

NValid - A Fluent Business Logic Validation Library for .NET (282 kB)
NValid is a light-weight C# validation library for .NET. Easily extended with custom validation logic for your project!

Rules Engine

Rules Engine is a C# project that makes it easier for developers to define business rules on domain objects without coupling the domain object to the business rule. The rules engine supports cross-field validation and conditional validation. Rules are interface-based and are easily extensible. Rules can be added using a fluent interface.

Business & System Analysis Templates and Best Practices (16,6 MB)
This project contains materials from the system and business analysis disciplines. Проект содержит материалы из областей бизнес и системного анализа.

Microsoft SQL Server Community Samples: Analysis Services

This project contains SQL Server Analysis Services samples contributed by Microsoft outside of the regular release cycle, MVPs, and other members of the community.


ValidationAspects provides State and Interception validation on .net Objects, Properties and Method Parameters. Validation can be declared via attributes and/or augmented/replaced with validation functions at runtime. Supports MVC, WPF, Silverlight, PostSharp, and Unity.

Versatile DataSources

2 DataSource controls for ASP.NET. EntityDAODataSource improves upon the ideas behind the DomainDataSource. POCODataSource lets you work with POCO classes. Both support Dynamic Data and establish a strong separation of concerns between UI and business logic.